Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee – We Can Help!

Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and the Victorian Government have partnered to help community members apply for the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee.
The Sick Pay Guarantee provides up to 38 hours a year of sick and carer’s pay to eligible casual and contract workers in certain jobs.
Workers can sign up and claim the Sick Pay Guarantee online, however we understand that many people in our communities either lack access to devices or internet or lack confidence and skills in
using technology.
To ensure no one gets left behind, Neighbourhood Houses across the state are ready to help people sign up and access the Sick Pay Guarantee.
Book a time with Sussex to check eligibility and get your application process started – 9354 2210.
See the full list of eligible jobs here.
Do a quick eligibility check here.
Translated information or call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee hotline.