Sustainability at Sussex: A Year of Green Initiatives and Community Impact

17 October 2024
category: whats-on

Over the past year, Sussex Neighbourhood House has strengthened its commitment to sustainability through impactful initiatives and meaningful partnerships.

Sustainability Presentation

Our efforts have been warmly embraced by the community, which takes pride in supporting environmental responsibility. We’ve also gained recognition from Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and Merri-bek City Council, affirming our progress in sustainability.

Expanding Recycling and Collection Programs

Our community has actively supported us as a collection point for various recyclables, allowing us to expand existing initiatives and introduce new ones:

  • Longstanding Collections: Programs such as Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs and Lids for Kids have thrived, thanks to dedicated volunteers like Vicki, who leads the sorting and cleaning efforts. Her enthusiasm continues to inspire more community members to contribute.
  • Coffee Pod Recycling: Our Nespresso coffee pod recycling initiative collected an impressive 160kg over the past year, drawing in new participants and making a significant environmental impact.
  • Plastic Container Exchange: Led by local resident Amelia through Project Pair Up, this program collects mismatched Tupperware across Melbourne, cleans it, and redistributes it at local markets. The initiative was even highlighted on ABC Radio by Keir Paterson, CEO of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria.

Innovative Local Partnerships

We prioritise local partnerships to ensure our recycling efforts remain sustainable:

  • Plastic Lid Recycling: When our usual collection point closed, we partnered with Jesuit Social Services and their Brunswick Ecological Hub, which melt down plastic lids for repurposing. Hands-on plastic recycling workshops are also offered there.
  • Reusable Bag and Container Recycling: Through Packshare and Recycle4Change, we collect reusable shopping bags and 10-cent recyclable containers. Half the proceeds support us, while the other half benefits individuals disadvantaged by the justice system.

Energy and Facility Upgrades

Our sustainability journey extends beyond recycling:

  • Transition to Electric Energy: With support from Merri-bek City Council, we’ve transitioned to electric energy, including solar panels, sensor lighting, and electric appliances. The council also helped upgrade our facilities with split-system air conditioners and electric ovens, replacing gas appliances.
  • Community Gardening: The council’s support has enabled us to convert our front lawn into an edible garden, enriching our gardening programs and promoting sustainable practices.

Supporting Climate Resilience

This year, we supported the launch of “The Adaptation Game” (TAG), a cooperative workshop that helps Merri-bek residents prepare for climate resilience through engaging board game nights. Based on scientific research, TAG teaches practical ways to protect our homes and communities from climate impacts.

Community-Led Sustainability Programs

Our volunteer-run programs continue to grow, creating sustainable solutions for the community:

  • Pascoe Vale Repair Café (PVRC): Now averaging 10 volunteer repairers per month and 495 annual repair requests, the café has a 76% success rate in fixing items. It has become more than just a repair initiative—it’s a social hub where locals bond over shared interests and help our their neighbours.
  • Pascoe Vale Food Collective (PVFC): In its 4th year, PVFC continues to supply wholesome, package-free pantry goods sourced ethically and locally. Their 4th annual Makers Market attracted over 100 attendees and featured 18 local home-based businesses, showcasing the power of community-led sustainability.

Looking Forward

Our journey in sustainability demonstrates that it is not only a responsibility but also a powerful opportunity to unite people. We are proud to be a place where these values come to life and will continue supporting our community’s commitment to a more sustainable future.


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