Recycling & Collection Points at SNH

SNH is a collection point for 6 different sustainable initiatives:
Aussie Breadtags for Wheelchairs
We collect plastic bread tags that are then sent to be recycled locally. This project raises funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people, mainly in South Africa.
We collect plastic bottle lids which are sent to Jesuit Social Services’ Ecological Justice Hub where they use specialist machinery to recycle and repurpose the lids.
Coffee Pod Collection Point
Your aluminium coffee capsules are collected at our reception, then sent to a local specialist recycling plant to separate the coffee from the aluminium so they can both go on to have a second life.
Project Pair Up
This initiative collects mismatching containers, lids and their accessories, and pairs them up so they can be given back to the community or donated.
Packshare Bag Collection
Project Pair Up has partnered with Packshare to collect reusable shopping bags for use in food drives without having to buy new bags
Recycle4Change (R4C)
R4C collects eligible containers through the Victorian Deposit Scheme. A yellow collection bin will be outside our front door during business hours for you to donate eligible 10c containers. Half of the 10c refund goes to R4c, and half to SNH.