Volunteer Committee Members & Advisors Wanted

Sussex Neighbourhood House is looking for volunteer members and advisors to join our Committee of Governance
If you’re passionate about making a difference for local communities, join a group of like-minded volunteers and be part of the Sussex Neighbourhood House (SNH) Committee of Governance.
Sussex Neighbourhood House Inc. located in Pascoe Vale was established in 1991 and provides a hub that connects, creates, and supports local community through lifelong learning, social activities and responding to community needs. We pride ourselves on being the heart of the local community, offering over 73 different programs, attracting over 1900 enrolments, supported by over 100 volunteers.
We are looking for volunteers to join our Committee of Governance which works closely with the SNH management team to oversee and develop the house as a welcoming and inclusive space that meets community needs.
Do you have experience in one / more of the following:
- Legal governance
- Risk & Quality assurance
- Policy governance
- Human resources governance
- Financial Governance
The SNH Committee of Governance meets every second month (online meetings) to provide high level oversight and strategic direction for the SNH. As a Not-for-Profit Community Board, Committee Members are eligible for FREE membership with Institute of Community Directors Australia, with access to many training opportunities.
If you’re looking at developing your skills in community sector governance, whilst giving back to the community, and working with a great group of people – this may be the role for you!
Contact us at 9354 2210 to apply for this role, or email us at enquiries@sussexnh.org.au submitting your letter of application and CV.