PUPS – Pop-Up Painting Society Workshops

Welcome to PUPS – the Pop-Up Painting Society presented at Sussex Neighbourhood House.
PUPS is suitable for 18-25’s who are interested in gaining artistic skills and connecting with their creative side through the joy of making with the support of your instructor, Scarlet.
Scarlet will guide you in these one-off workshops and assist you to explore a range of creative processes and skills, from idea generation, drawing and watercolour painting, to paper pop-up construction and artbook making techniques, and introduce you to materials, tools and their applications. You will be shown in this session step-by-step how to make a layered illustrated pop-up artwork, incorporating 3-dimensional paper elements and drawing inspiration from the natural world and your imagination.
PUPS is suitable for people of all artistic skill levels and is ideal for people interested in making and learning about interactive artbooks in a fun, safe and relaxed space.
- All materials and tools provided.
- 3 hour session
- This class is for 18+
- Tea and coffee available at SNH
- Pizzas provided!
Workshop dates: